Why Work With JPA?

Jewelry & Gemstone Appraisals are important for insurance purposes. Value can fluctuate greatly so it’s important to have your pieces appraised every few years, especially if it contains a gemstone which has become more rare. We provide an Estimated Retail Replacement value based on our experience as appraisers with actual industry experience. That means you can insure your jewelry and gemstones for an amount that you could replace it for if lost, stolen or damaged. You can obtain adequate insurance coverage through third-party insurers such as Jewelers Mutual. You may also want to determine the value or authenticity of your jewelry for estate and tax purposes, divorce settlements, donations and loans.

Did you know that homeowner’s insurance generally does not cover for loss or damage unless your jewelry has been appraised and scheduled separately? We will give you a complete report for your records. Each appraisal is $75, that is per item. This fee is based only on the time needed to perform the tests and calculations. Fees are in no way determined by the value of the jewelry or gemstones. If you have a large number of items you may qualify for a discount. Please contact us to make an appointment.

I have jewelry I do not want. Can you help me?

Yes. While JPA only provides appraisals, we can get you in contact with one of the reputable companies we regularly appraise for to sell your jewelry on your behalf or make a direct purchase from you.

Sample Report: